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Original Creation

Dad’s Grave

rtparsjr 25 Jul 2024

My Dad is buried out on our ranch on a hill with a great view of the Rockies. This didn’t meet my expectations. I kept feeling like he didn’t want me to paint this one. Weird.



I think it is a very good painting. I think your dad would be proud.

Thanks Dee.

Hey Bob, maybe it's exactly what your father wanted and he would be with you when you painted it. That's why it was a bit strange, but look at it positively. Cool work👍🏼🇩🇪

What a wonderful place to be laid to rest. Your painting is a great likeness of the photo and a lovely tribute to your Dad. Despite that weird feeling, you managed to create a lovely painting which makes it all the more special.

Thanks Dirk! You might be right.

Thanks LPainter. My dad would sit up there on horseback when he was alive and look at the mountains. He would always tell us that is where he wanted to be buried so when he passed we pulled together and made it happen.

Very special, beautiful work!

Thanks Stephie!

Excellent job and Dad would be proud!

I also think your Dad would be very proud of you. It is a well painted scene.

Thanks Sandy!

Thanks Tom!

I just saw this, great job Bob!👍✌️

Thank you Brian!

Amazing work!!

Marvelous painting !

Thanks Elsie

Thanks NB

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