I jokingly titled this one "I dun goofed and painted over everything and redid the whole thing". This painting started as "Mountain Serenity" with different colors, and ended up a different painting all together.
This is an 18 inch by 24 inch, oil on canvas.
Someone else asked me if this was a painting of yosemite! I need to look it up :)
Sunnylady is right, that fall exists and is nicknamed 'Lava waterfall'.
Very impressive and original idea RWS. Your giant evergreens are the perfect match with that golden fall!
That's a coincidence, I'm about to start a painting from a picture taken in Yosemite, what a beautiful place is it.
Thanks everyone! Yeah, it's weird, I just started painting and this is where I ended up. I started looking at those falls and I love the pictures.
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I think that reminds that famous waterfall in Yosemite park that has fire colors one time a year. I saw it on Youtube and it was impressive. I think your goof around got so very close to that one!