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Original Creation

Human Face Practice

paintingblondie 10 Mar 2023

8 x 10 canvas board to practice painting a human face with correct proportions and shading!



Love these eyes , Great šŸ˜Ž

flippergirlpaints Top Event Submitter

Super nice job! I am not a portrait expert - lol - but your proportions are pretty good! Lovely eyes and good proportion between them (maybe a little closer to the nose with the left facing eye?. The right ear (facing) is a bit longer than the left one and I can not decide which I prefer? I think the longer one is more lined up with the bottom of the nostrils. You got really great skin tones, especially with acrylics. Overall terrific! Hope my comments are helpful (not meant to be critical)

paintingblondie The Queen of Cuties

Thanks for your comments! I was practicing from a photo and her eyes were a little wider than one eye width hence her eyes are a little farther apart! It was a practice so we'll see if I can improve! Landscapes are a lot easier! LOL

Iā€™m with Dirk the eyes are really pretty. Looks better than I do most of mine look like anime lol

paintingblondie The Queen of Cuties

Thank you Rucifi!

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

I agree with Dirk and Rucifi, those eyes are awesome!

paintingblondie The Queen of Cuties

Thanks so much Nancy!

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