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Original Creation

Almost Autumn

lightsnow 27 Aug 2021

Painting # 98. This one was an impromptu one today that I did for fun. I knew I wanted to paint some big trees, but not much apart from that. This took me around 2 hours and was pretty fun. 18x24



The entire scene is beautiful. Fantastic trees and color.

Awesome impromptu painting. Nice distance achieved! Trees are super nicely detailed!

This is just gorgeous. We have similar interests I see. I’ve also enjoyed reviewing your work. You are a very talented artist. I was curious about your music background. Can you share more about that? I ask because back in 2014 I had a real interest in learning piano. So I bought a keyboard initially. Then was gifted a piano. I can’t read sheet music so I play by ear. 2020 was a down year for me but starting to get back into it. One of my fav pianists is George Winston. I just play to play. But it’s also an outlet for me.

lightsnow Community Helper

George Winston is great. I'm actually staring at his "Forest" CD sitting on my kitchen table! I've been playing and composing music for a bit over half my life now. I play over a dozen instruments and have a recording studio in my house where I write and record for multiple solo projects. Due to my work, I've never pursued the performance part of music, just production, but maybe in the future.

That’s amazing! I played tenor and alto sax (jazz band) in high school but that was ages ago. How awesome for you to be able to do that. One of these days I might pick up the saxophone again.

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