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Original Creation

Birds View

joha59 04 Apr 2023

Taken from a photo found on the internet, hard to get the bright colors from the photo and I wanted I had the view from the birds in the tree, on canvassheet 29 x 21 cm (A4 format). Oh and the birds didn't want to pose for the reflection in the water, when I started to paint the reflection they were gone 😀.



Nice work Jos!

Coole Arbeit Jos !! Great work 😎🇩🇪👍🏼

paintingblondie The Queen of Cuties

Very nice and love the birds!

Very nice

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters


Many thanks Tom, Dirk, Sandy, Coldethel and Pietro!

Nice one!
It is That Wanaka Tree in New Zealand, is it not?

Thank you and I really don't know Titia, never been there!

Titia, ik heb het even opgezocht en het is idd een Wanaka tree

I hear you too. In my last calm water painting I wanted to try to paint trees reflections, but I messed it up three times if not more and decided to have only part of the trunk gently washed out. If you find some article how to do perfect reflections or some YouTube please share with me too?

The tree with the birds is the star here.

Thank you Sunnylady, good idea to limit the reflection to the base trunk, I maybe will try again and also want to improve the colors to get it more bright.

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