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Original Creation

Grandeur of Summer

jasonarebull 05 Jun 2020

This is my first painting. This is Grandeur of Summer, one of bobs hour long specials. The painting took about 3.5 hours. I was initially very frustrated when I got to the mountain, they are incredibly hard to make the paint break to create all of the nice detail. I think it was even harder because I’m left handed watching a right handed person. As the painting continued I began to loosen up more and enjoy the experience. I look forward to my second painting!



dracula Power Painter

Nice job! This was also my first Bob Ross painting and I am also left-handed, so I know exactly where you're coming from. You're off to a great start. I think you made smart color choices in the mountain shadows. Looking forward to seeing more!

Welcome to the oil painting! This is incredibly great you tried something new in your life and liked it. Yes, we all start struggling with the mountains in the beginning, some people discover the secret earlier some later, some (I mean myself) have not yet. Just keep practicing, enjoy, challenge yourself and keep growth mindset.

Go to community > Articles for some advice. Many people shared their secrets about mountains and other things that beginner may find helpful.

Welcome to the community!

@Dracula Thank you so much! You are my biggest inspiration on this website! That is insane we’re both left handed and this is our first painting haha! I just read your tutorial on creating trees and am feeling inspired! I’m using your tutorial the next time I paint a tree, thank you for the resource.

@Sunnylady Thank you for the warm welcome! I will definitely be taking your advice on getting additional painting tips (especially mountains) from the articles section on this website, thank you!

dracula Power Painter

I hope the evergreens article helps you out. Let me know if you have any questions about it as you go!

Nicely done! I also did this one as my first ever Ross painting. Agree that the mountains were tricky. I let them dry and tried again. I also had issues with the evergreens. My brush was too soft, so I used the fan. Worked out OK. keep on Painting!

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