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Original Creation

Lower Falls

indicationofart 26 May 2023

This started out as Misty Waterfall but I decided I wanted a Hudson River feel.



Very pretty, looks peaceful.

A beautiful depth!

I agree with Sunny, excellent dephtπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

so calm, nice!

Lovely, cheers Tomi.

Thanks Cold.

Sunny and Dirk, I think that lack of depth in Bob's is what made me want to change it a bit. I like paintings that go on forever.

Thanks Abha. and Dave.

When you mentioned the Hudson River, I went to check your profile to see if you had added your location. Upstate NY.
I stayed in a small town called Burnt Hills when I was in the US for a year in highschool. So, came across the Hudson a lot.
Fond memories and your painting reflect those. A warm, kinda flat river valley with hills around. <3

Love it...such good work!

You nailed the description Titia. I live about 40 minutes from Burnt Hills.

Thanks Blondie.

Super work!

Great job Tomi!!!

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