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Original Creation

Towering peaks

frsakboiii 15 Dec 2021

My first painting ever! Happy with the clouds and trees, not happy with reflection and background purple mountains. I think Ive made mistake because I probably put more liquid white on the start and it was really hard to blend something since it was too wet. In the end I am happy. Thanks to Bob Ross and Nic Hankins.



Very good. Nice mountains and trees. Clouds are good, too, with the fluffiness effect. Can't wait to see your future creations after you've fine-tuned your already-talented skills.

And you could be right on the Liquid White..."Too much of a good thing" and all. Just need enough to get the canvas wet, I think. At least, that's what I've discovered when I applying my linseed oil base at the start (I've stopped using a white base).

What size canvas is this?

Best wishes.

Really nice first painting! My first didn't look this good! Mountains are good and trees and water look nice!

Thanks a lot for a comment Alex! Sorry, canvas is 40x60cm (something around 18" by 24"). I will try to put less liquid white next and put less paint in general to have "dry" canvas and actually blend objects together. Also thank you for the advice.

I bet your first painting was amazing, paintingblondie! Thanks a lot for feedback.

In a few of Bob's videos, he says to touch the canvas to see how much you have on there. Don't quote me, but I think if you can still see your fingerprint through the Liquid White, then you have enough. Maybe someone else on here can confirm or deny that.

And one of the best things I discovered (after more than a dozen paintings) is...don't be afraid to try something. You can always scrape off the paint, add some more LW, and start again. In the beginning, I was too afraid I'd mess up a canvas. Now armed with the knowledge that I can just scrape it off, I don't care if something doesn't come out right. If that happens, then at least I learned what DIDN'T work. ๐Ÿ™‚

Bob says trees cover a multitude of sins. Well I'm here to say a putty knife and a couple coats of white gesso is like one big "do-over." So, attack the canvas and have fun. You're off to a great start.

This looks awesome, especially for a first try! Welcome to a truly wonderful hobby. Youโ€™re off and running.

PS I love those closer mountains!

Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

Great job. Especially for your first one. Keep going and all those things you're not happy with you'll become much better at.

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters

great 1st!cheers.P

flippergirlpaints Top Event Submitter

Wonderful 1st painting! We have all been through the beginner struggles...too much paint, not enough, too thick, too thin...LOL. Bob was correct in saying that practice is the key. The more you paint, you will discover what works best for you. I started painting in July and my paintings are much better now! I found this Youtube channel helpful on tips for the Bob Ross wet on wet technique for beginners - - many different subjects to choose from.

Alex_Ander: thank you again for these tips. Really useful and I will try out some of these soon.

HLarson3: It took so much time and it was rollercoaster of emotions. But I can definitely say that this is not my last painting. Thanks!

Pietro1963: really appreciate comment from you

Mgiese84: Im looking forward to not make "happy accidents" that much hehe.

flippergirlpaints: Thanks a lot! I will check the link for sure since I tried to search for tips like this.

Flippergirlpaints: Thanks for posting that website address. I've already checked it out, and those are some cool, short videos.

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