This is a somewhat large 41x31 inches (104x79 cm) painting on canvas-laminated panel of Mount Vesuvius erupting over Pompeii and Herculaneum. I had no reference to work from (obviously), so it's just my imagined view of that scene in 79 AD. It's been on & off my easel a few times, but I think I'm happy enough with it to move on.
You might be asking why it is such a weird, non-standard size. It's because I got a really nice frame with a linen liner for like $10 some years ago. I couldn't pass it up and so I've had this empty frame kicking around that needed something in it.
Also, I am a big fan of using Maroger medium, but it is hard to get (it has lead in it) and pretty expensive, especially for large scale paintings. So in order to finish this painting, I had to learn to make it myself, which was a whole thing unto itself...but it worked out great in the end and now I have pretty much a lifetime supply of Maroger medium.
Absolutely brilliant and that frame looks awesome! Great painting Dracula!
Wonderful and from the imagination too!......Well done Count!
Fantastic Drac, love it all 👍
The detailing is mind blowing. Love the colors glowing thru out the scene. This is a real chef d’œuvre Drac!
So good. You are a real artist and I would really hang up your work on my wall. Great!
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Wow so awesome! I can imagine this scene and it is terrifying! Great job!