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Original Creation


davidF 22 Apr 2023

Sunlight trees and grass.. don't know what else to say :)


Wow....beautiful work David, photorealistic standard....Well done!

I had to look twice to make sure it was actually a painting! Awesome.

Like a Photo . Super πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜Ž

So realistic, just beautiful

Beautiful light control David! One suggestion thought - main three trees are at equal distance from each other that make them look like human planted park. If there is chance to make one of the trees thicker towards the central tree and central tree thicker towards that tree to visually break those distances. I think it would improve composition. Another option to tilt them a bit more in different directions together with getting them thicker. Or letting them grow at different distances from viewer.

Thanks tel .. pleased you like it

Thanks indicationofart .. I enjoy trying to achieve realism from blobs of colour.

As always Dirk .. really appreciate your feedback happy painting

Thanks cold .. pleased you like it

Thanks sunny for the very constructive feedback. I really agree with you, I am not a fan of foreground at all if I am honest. Leave it with me I will have a play around.. it was bothering me too.. I think it was because I was focussed on being able to see the sun .through the trees. Hope you are well and still enjoying your painting ..take care.

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters


Thanks Pietro as always your comments are very much appreciated

Beautiful David! Light and shadows are superb!

Thanks C! Just repainting the main trees this afternoon to remove the symmetry pointed out by Sunny.. just taken a brave pill !!! :)

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