More playing with light ... onwards and upwards
Absolutely incredible!! This looks like a photo!! So well done!
Awesome job!
Super Job ,David 👍🏼🇩🇪
I’m not sure I’m convinced this is a painting. It looks so much like a photo. I’m impressed!
Ok, I’m back. I’m so curious, how did you learn to do the super realistic landscapes with the cool lighting?
Thanks to everyone.. pleased you like it
Mata0031 hi ya .. I have watched a lot of videos, bought a lot of books and a bit of practice .. the technique depends on the medium you are using.. for oils and acrylics I find chuck black and Jerry Parnell the most inspiring and best .. here is a link to a chuck black video
I have been playing with realism for a while and the reality is in landscapes you can get away with tricking the eye by ensuring the contrast is built up well .. Bob used to say you have to have the dark to see the light he is definitely right .. your eye accepts built up textures if there is complexity, variation and contrast. I am always fascinated how the eye works as in my early career I worked in camouflage for various reasons .. hope that helps .. enjoy painting I find it very relaxing.. onwards and upwards..
Ahhh..What a view...Photo quality painting here David.Cheers to u my friend!
Thanks pietro means a lot .. hope you are doing ok
Thanks pietro means a lot .. hope you are doing ok
Hi David, thank you for the information. I’m going to check out Chuck Black’s and Jerry Parnell’s work. I appreciate you sharing.
Really well done David.
Thanks Tony m really appreciate it
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