Same field worked on clouds and sun, we are still under tree looking over countryside. represents the fields out the back of our house. not finished but going to leave it for now.. will lockdown ever end .. oh well just carry on learning to paint !! :)
Your clouds are gorgeous! Sun is really shining! look at the details in the tree! David, it is impressive considering that overall it is what? 11th painting?
@Jgrill thank you for your comment I focussed on the clouds and sun in this painting
@sunnylady .. love your new title.. very apt. I am pleased you liked the clouds and sun. I have been watching three artists on you tube, Jerry Yarnell, Chuck black and Felix and between them the have shown me how to get a glow in the sky. I purchased a second hand copy of the 500 page book that is no longer in print by Jerry Yarnell it is packed with tips on painting landscapes with acrylics. it was bargain at £25.Hopefully it will help me improve.Thanks again happy painting
@sunnylady, just counted 14th painting all done in lockdown !! :) 15 if you include correcting a leaking pond :):)
You progress very quickly! keep going!
That shining sun is really remarkable; I'd love to hear more about how you achieved such an effect. Great job!
Remarkable David, that new easel fired you into the sky!
This painting …. it's like I just opened a window and looked outdoors. Sky is majestic, tree is a gem and what great idea to put that flowerbed in!! An A+++ painting my friend!
Dracula thank you for your kind comments. I followed the tutorial on you tube for the clouds by Jarry Yarnell (and bought his 500 page book on landscapes in acrylics) and the tutorial by chuck black on the sun and halo. Thew trick is to make the clouds really off white and to build the sun and its halo in layers of very pure white .. it took many layers to get the contrast up with careful blending out. I would watch chuck black he is absolute master of sunsets , would love to be able to create something like he achieves but I doubt it.. happy painting still really enjoying your studies they are amazing !!
Voy kay .. once again thank you for your kind comments .. I just focussed on clouds and sun.. love your new signature .... :) :) its a lot easier to paint on an easel than flat on the table I think this is the second painting I have done on an easel.. Happy painting thanks again
@davidF - I wonder if you would consider writing an article about how you made this painting? I just keep coming back to it and am always impressed!
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Love it... love the way the sun appears to comes through the clouds and the tree.