I couldn't find this lesson in with the regular grouping of Bob Ross Paintings. I'm guessing because this isn't part of any season but a special espisode.
OK. My first painting with this group. Frustrating. Fun. Think I learned some things. I don't seem to be able to create all the detail of the foreground bushes that Bob gets. Maybe my paint for that was too thick? Will try to really thin it down for the next one I do.
Any input (be kind please!!!!!) is greatly appreciated.
I think for a first one you did a fantastic job. In my opinion painting is nothing more than practice. Over and over again. In case you really like it and you are willing to invest time you will improve very fast. You will be surprised what is possible. At least I was.😀
It takes time and practice to get used to the brushes and paint and how they work for you. I spent 5 hours on my 1st Bob painting and it was exhausting! But you do learn a lot as you progress. My advice would be to watch the episode you want to paint several times before painting so you will be familiar with it and how things are done. Have fun and don't give up!
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Congratulations on your first painting. Highlighting trees and bushes is the hardest thing it crack in my opinion. I found the following tutorials on YouTube helped me: search ‘painting bushes’ Paint with Bram and also Painting with Yovette. Diane Andre’s tutorial Forest Road is also very good and really goes in to detail about how to load the brush, etc. Good luck and happy practising.