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Original Creation

Pleasant Valley Sunday

TonyM 24 Nov 2022

11/24/22: Pleasant Valley Sunday

This is an original borrowing many elements from Valley Waterfall s23e8. I painted this right after completing 2 versions of the aforementioned painting. I wanted to work on the foreground and I chose to leave out any water, and added a cabin.

I must admit, I am pretty happy with this one. The cabin is not that good, but I am in my cabin painting infancy LOL.

20x20 canvas. Painting #62 in my awesomely fun Bob Ross experience. (fun fact: 26 of the 62 are original compositions, rest are mainly Bob Ross paintings). Never created a painting in my life before Feb 1, 2022. I am really enjoying the journey. As usual picture quality kinda sucks and the painting is much sharper when looking at it.. Still not good at photographing my paintings. I just can't seem to get the camera to focus correctly.

Named this one after the 60's tune Pleasant Valley Sunday by The Monkees ;)

As always, constructive comments/feedback are welcome and appreciated. Thanks for looking, I appreciate you all.



Love this one Tony! That glacier or mountain positively glows and you created lots of depth.

Love the lush greenery.....If i had one negative it would be the mountain and the number of peaks?, it looks a little cramped having five peaks in that short span

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters

great scene!love the whole painting color,textures,depth,cheers.p

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