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Original Creation

Grandeur of Summer - Version 1 (Bob Ross 1 hr special - Painting #11)

TonyM 11 Mar 2022

Feel free to add any comments that you feel will help me out and please be honest in your assessment. That is the only way I will get better. I have no illusions as to where I stand as a painter at the present time. I know I am way way down looking up at the light. We’ll just take it one ladder rung at a time 🙂 Happy painting everyone. Make someone smile today 🙂

Well, as I have stated a few times before, I am horrible at mountains. I started this 16x20 canvas board with the intention of practicing mountains from top to bottom. After I painted the set of mountains, I changed my mind and decided that since these semi-look like mountains, I would complete an actual painting to get practice on the other elements of the picture. I ended up following Bob's instructions for the Grandeur of Summer 1 hour video. Now Bob did his in landscape orientation but mine ended up with a portrait orientation since I painted the mountains that way. I am actually about 30% satisfied with this one, which may be a record for me LOL.



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