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Original Creation

Going Up The Country - named after my favorite Canned Heat tune :)

TonyM 05 Sep 2023

Going Up The Country - named after my favorite Canned Heat tune :)

My only thought when I started this painting was a mountain in the upper right hand quadrant.

This painting gives me a nice feeling in my heart. I think the composition turned out OK and the individual elements of the painting are acceptable to me :) I had the most fun painting the cabin. I seem to gravitate more to cabins like this (95% brush painted) versus palette knife cabins, just my personal preference. If I had a do-over I would make the stream a bit curvier instead of a straight run. I tried to give the overall grass the appearance of being longer than a lawn. My tree branches look decent on the mighty oak tree.

As usual photo does not do the painting justice. 12" x 24" canvas. As always, your comments (especially suggestions) are desired and welcome.



Nice work

Thanks Dillon :)

Wonderful and your cabin/house is perfect!

Thanks Jos - that means a lot. I worked on that cabin LOL

I have to agree with Jos, the cabin/house is perfection! The shingles on the roof are awesomely done! So does painting a structure like that take as long as building one? πŸ˜‚

flippergirlpaints Top Event Submitter

So pretty as an overall composition! Nice colors, love the trees and that cabin.

To me, that mountain is the star of the show :D your cabin is perfect though.

Thanks Brian, Pam, Jeff ... appreciate you :)

It wonderful all around. Perfect cabin and a gorgeous mountain.

Thanks Tomi :)

Brian, as far as painting time, I'd say I spent maybe 6 hours of actual easel time. The cabin probably took 1.5 - 2 hours of actual painting time. I painted this over 3 days. Spent more time thinking about what to add versus actual brush time.

So colorful. Very beautiful scene.

Very nice and well executed Tony!

Really beautiful scene! Love the cabin!

Very nice painting πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

Really great job Tony

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