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Original Creation

Framed by Mother Nature - Version #3

TonyM 30 Sep 2022

9/29/22 Framed by Mother Nature - Version #3

My 3rd attempt at trying to create a painting where the branches of a tree(s) 'frame' the background mountains. I went landscape orientation (vs portrait) and used a winter scene for a change. I used a limited (for me) palette on this one. Just 6 colors.

This may just be my best painting to date. I really like the mountains. I think the clouds are the weakest part of this painting. I have included pics of versions 1 and 2 below.

I know Bob says you can never be satisfied with a painting so you can keep the hunger to improve, but I'll have to tell you, I am closer to satisfied than any other painting I have done. I actually feel a bit proud of this one, a first for me :)

16x20 canvas. Painting #49 in my awesomely fun Bob Ross experience. Never created a painting in my life before Feb 1, 2022. I am really enjoying the journey.

As always, constructive comments/feedback are welcome and appreciated. Thanks for looking, I appreciate you all.



I like this one the best of the three Tony. The snow and trees are beautiful and I hope to one day paint mountains that are as beautiful as yours here! And add in the ‘framing’ being perfect in my opinion. Going with 2 trees works better than 1 I think. Super painting!

I like this one the best of the three Tony. The snow and trees are beautiful and I hope to one day paint mountains that are as beautiful as yours here! And add in the ‘framing’ being perfect in my opinion. Going with 2 trees works better than 1 I think. Super painting!

Really nice Tony, have you considered putting some snow on the branches?....just a thought.. Great painting, glad you're enjoying the journey!

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