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Original Creation

Sunrise at the shore - Bill Alexander

Tom0779 27 Jan 2023

This scene from Bill Alexander is out of a book. I have not found a video tutorial at the official Bill Alexander channel. Maybe it exists somewhere.
For this you have to wear sunglasses for sure. It has been a favorite picture of my wife. Thus I framed it for her and it hangs now in our living room.
I think this sky is more challenging than the ones Bob does in his tutorials. You need to be careful to not mess it up and clean the brush hundert times. But I think it is worth it. The end result is a fire cracker.
I said it before I really like paintings with a strong red hue. If you do too, you’ll find a lot of ideas by Bill.
This is oils on canvas panel 16 x 20 in. (40 x 50 cm)



💛🧡❤️ This is a true masterpiece Tom! Well done! The reflection of that light house and those rocks are so beautiful. That sunrise... STUNNING!!

Maybe the video is accessible if you become a member. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Thank you Nancy!
I have 5 books The magic of oil painting by Bill Alexander. None of those 5 x 13 episodes are available on the official YouTube channel of Bill. I found single episodes from there posted by others. I assume they are the early ones and the quality isn’t the best. So this might be the reason why they are not available. But this is just a guess.

Indeed a firecracker Tom, there is a more pinkish version:

Thanks Jos, I know this other tutorial with the mauve hue. This is a later episode and I will try that also some day.

Hey Tom very impressive . I think the mirror Effekt in the water is at Bills paintings offen stronger when at Bobs .vielleicht subjektiv . I like this , super Job 😎

Thanks a lot Dirk. I agree with you regarding Bill. He is often doing a simple looking scene with less details. But he cares a lot on color harmony, light-dark contrast, reflections etc…
The have a different approach both with advantages and disadvantages.
Can’t pick a favorite.😀

Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

Really a great job Tom. I'd love to do this one sometime.

Really gorgeous! Love the sky and the strong colors...a masterpiece!

Thanks Matt. As mentioned above I am not able to find the episode on YouTube. It is from the Book 'The Magic of Oil Painting II'. So from my understanding from the second season by Bill. The book contains a (colored) photo of the finished painting and the materials needed as well as a written description of the steps. If you want I can send you some photos of these pages.
Maybe you can try to find it on YouTube as well. There are several episodes uploaded by different persons. Often I found something there.

Thank you Sandy. Even I used liquid white the colors are still very strong.

Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

That would be super Tom if you would send me a few photos. My email is I really appreciate it.

Done Matt.

Oh my goodness this is great Tom! I love the colors. I haven’t seen this one of his before. I’d say you captured it really well. Well done :)

flippergirlpaints Top Event Submitter

Another fiery beauty! One thing I will say about Bill's style vs Bob, is that Bill tends to do so many "layers" in his paintings. Like in his sunset seascape (with a fiery sky like this) he just keeps going back and forth over the sky with light/dark/light/dark etc, and it really builds depth.

Many thanks Daniel. I am glad you like it.

Thank you Pam. You got exactly the point. To make a painting after Bill beautiful is much more complex than after Bob. This is also due to the layering you mentioned. Bob made perfect tutorials to show a satisfying end result, this is something Bill does rarely have (mainly in his 1 hour tutorials).

There is a tutorial on youtube with more paintings, including this one, and of a very bad quality and the sound does not synchronize, but something is better then nothing:

Thanks for the information Jos. I did not know/find that one.

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