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Original Creation

Misty Morning

TitiaD 25 Feb 2023

"Misty Morning"
August 11, 2022
Oil on canvas

Based on a tiny image I found on the internet.



A super work overall. Really good.

Superb painting...such great details and your shadows are excellent!

LadyGalaga Shadowlink11

I love moody Fall scenes, great job!

anewday Tree Hugging Hippie

Wow! It looks like the setting for the start of a fantasy adventure!

Felix Creator of

How much pre-planning are you doing for your paintings? Your perspective is extremely well done. Are you sketching the painting before putting down oil paint or something like that?

In this case I did a bit of a background painting with gesso, indicating the position of the larger trees. It however does not show through like it does in some of Bob's paintings.
Usually I do not sketch for these landscapes when I'm using a photograph for reference.
I do sometimes sketch something on paper when not using a reference picture.

Wow.....Off the scale, just beautiful

This is beautiful! I am so enjoying to look at your posted paintings! What main advice can you give to people who want to paint impressionistic realism from photos ?

So good, you are such a good artist.

Looks very realistic. Well painted. Cheers

Thank you!

For the impressionistic part of some of my paintings, I try to use complementary colours for the shadows and base colours.
Even though the photograph does not show it, there's a purple base colour underneath all that orangy and brown stuff on the ground. Purple is not really the complementary colour of orange (blue is) but it does give a bit of an impressionistic feel to things.
Want it more impressionistic? Add more purple and blue to those shadows. :)

I'm slowly getting back into this more impressionistic part of my paintings.
Did it way more, years ago, when I was doing acrylic paintings. I had a method for doing it with the acrylics, but that method does not work with wet-on-wet. So for now I use complementary colours as base and then tap over it, making sure the colour comes through here and there.
Haven't really looked at more traditional ways of painting with oils yet.

Thank you very much for your advice! I will try to experiment in this way.

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters


flippergirlpaints Top Event Submitter

A Fantastic beauty! I love the depth you created, and I am especially fond of more monochromatic pieces. Fun tree shapes (no telephone poles here) and great shadows. I feel like I am there.

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