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Original Creation

Pacific Coastline Nic Hankins

TheLandscapePainter 20 Jul 2024

I enjoyed painting this one. I didn't get the distance I wanted due to the placement of the rocks and the size of them. I painted it just from the photo but it wasn't difficult. I think I could have done a few things a little better but I still like it. It's going on my wall anyway.


Ha finally there it is, very nice Helen with great clouds and rocks!

Thanks Joha. I couldn't let you down could I? haha. I feel like doing another seascape now, I might have to seek out some inspiration.

Wonderful rockwork ! Definitely one for the wall !


flippergirlpaints Top Event Submitter

So great - sky, rocks, water and sand!

Spectacular! I especially love how you angled the clouds/sky🙂

Oh wow! So beautiful!

Thank you everyone!

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