Original was painted in 1897. Size 143 х 107 см.
My version is smaller 60 x 45 cm.
It was a lot of hard work invested in this piece and I repainted mountains few times. Then I repainted big wave. I think it all worked out well. I wish I could see the original in real life.
Original attached as additional picture.
@Colin - rescue operation is in progress. Those are only survivors of the ship crash. Someone noticed them and dropped a rope. I hope they will be safe. At least this is my version of the story. Everyone will imagine their own. Thanks a lot for your kind words. I am so glad I managed this time to make stormy sea.
@ Guna, I think it was somewhat 15 hours. It was 4 session overall. Every time I was unhappy with something. At the end only sky has one layer of paint :)
What a frightening scene and complex painting. The time you put into this paid off. You’ve really captured the color, detail and intensity.
I like the waves and the colors
This is so great. The water has so much motion. I love the colours of it. Amazing work that you do Sunnylady!!
Great job! Definitely worth the extra time you put into it.
@ForestVueGallery - thanks a lot! I have never seen stormy sea, Aivazovsky is the one who showed it to me. His sea is majestic. His masterpieces are all gorgeous. My husband got a book for me from Tretyakov Gallery where the big exhibition of his works gathered from around the world happened. I wish I could turn time back to get to that exhibition. Meanwhile I thoroughly enjoy the book.
@NagyMaria , @Dellajoy - thank you very much for your kind words. Support of the members here is motivating to swim further and better in the sea of Art.
@LJMPaintings - thank you very very much. Water drove me crazy as I could not figure out how to make the surface foam net to show sea movement. I managed somehow, not totally happy, but seems this solution works somewhat.
Another fantastic maritime scene!
@Felix - thanks a lot!
This turned out great!
wow, wow WOW, OH WOW!!!! This is wonderful. Very impressive work.
Sunnylady-- Absolutely beautiful work!
@tholmes, @Toadi, @parksd02 - thank you folks for your kind words and support! This is the greatest motivation to paint and improve the skills with each next painting.
Oh wow I was so focused on the beautifully stormy sea that I didn’t even notice the people until seeing colins comments. I’m glad they were found and rescued! Another beautiful sea painting!
Also I really really love the bits of the boat that are about to go under and how you can see some of the boat just below the surface as the rest of the boat sinks deep into the abyss.
@Lilikins - thank you my dear! I am so glad you added to the story these wonderful details! Super happy you enjoy the painting!
My word, admiral Sunnylady, you do rule over the seven seas!
Sinbad got into a clash with the Kraken near Amazon island but survived and rescued a few shipmates!
That sea is so vivid and wild that I'm wobbling on my chair looking at it!
The storm is far from over, the two silver gulls seek for shelter and the waves keep bashing the cliffs!
Your painting reads like a book!
Thank you my dear Friend Voy! Your words are so kind and your story is fantastic! Thank you very much for your never ending support!
Wow Sunny, this is amazing! Such power in that ocean.
@TheLandscapePainter - I am glad you like this power of the ocean! Thank you very much.
@Tom0779 - Long time - no see. Are you alright? You must be busy selling your watercolor works for good money? I hope no Corona.
Thanks a lot for your kind words Tom, this I consider the most challenging work so far. I still hope to learn how to do the foam pattern nicely.
Tom, hope you will get to painting soon and all the long hours at work will be over to return you to the art world.
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Fantastic stormy image. But what the heck are those two guys doing going up or down the cliff at this time?