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Original Creation

Study to composition and color

Sunnylady 26 Mar 2023

This is a small 16*20 cm study in preparation for 16*20inch project and figuring out design and colors.

I am attaching photos of pallet, actual scene and design attempts.

Objective is to convey 4:30pm sun in Guyana.



paintingblondie The Queen of Cuties

Really love this!

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

Wow! So beautiful!!! Well done Sunnylady!!!

It's really nice to see your process, a bit of a behind-the-scenes. Especially since you've helped me with my work before, it's helpful to see how the mentor does their thing. Thank you for this, and I can't wait to see the finished result!

@paintingblondie, @ninoum - thanks a lot for your kind words!

@Jeffth - I wish I had more of non-tutorial-paintings done.
I have a favorite artist who paints a lot of seascapes and has awesome free lessons on YouTube. So I follow along quite often. I will be repeating Honey Bliss ( I already did it three times) very soon when I prepare old used canvas.

I can recommend to read John Carlson guide to landscapes for reading. It will give you a lot of explaining of things that are not taught in YouTube videos most of the time. I will share the link in the next few minutes.

Here is this book.
Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting

The colors are beautiful together and such a great idea to paint the small study first. Getting the color mix right is definitely my weakness, along with repeat mixing the same color. Chuck Black mentioned once that it's always that way for him so I guess that's the way it is. I'm sure your large painting will be lovely.

Thank you so very much @FVG! Yes. Color mixing is something to learn, learn and learn and then practice, practice and practice. Limited pallet helps a lot in my opinion to get better with colors, or just staying consistent to your pallet, so no wild cards that can give a challenge in color mixing.

For this painting for bigger scale I think I need to go with purple out of the tube as base for the shadows. I think it will help to convey sunlight even more.

I totally agree with the limited pallet and experimenting to see what the colors will do.
The purple will work nicely in shadows. I used it on my acrylic paintings for darks, but haven’t in oils. I think I’ll definitely try adding a little to my next dark mix.

@FVG - thanks a lot for visiting! Limited pallet makes wonders in uniting the painting all together. I did another piece where I was aiming for morning sun and used dioxazine PV23 and I compared both in terms of colors so yes that is the right direction to move with this one. I am a bit scared to go with 16*20inches with this one. I hope I can manage it.

Excellent work! Your perspectives and details on your buildings are amazing. Very nicely done :)

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