Masterclass by Dmitry Roza.
Canvas 35 by 50 cm.
2 sessions. One is to fill the canvas with major colors. Another, after first is dry to place light and foam and the rest.
Thanks a lot LJM! Appreciate your kind words!
Superb!! It really is beautiful, I could sit on that beach for the rest of my life. 😊
Beautiful. Very realistic color. I really like the thick marine layer sitting along the horizon. You are on a roll!
Froggie, thank you!
Dracula. Thanks a lot! This was very interesting to paint especially if to consider that consistency of paint in 95% cases was like drinking yogurt. I was quite shocked that with such consistency blending can be done quite easily. Liquid used was: triple mix: pinene, dammar varnish and linseed oil. Recipe of that is to have equal proportions.
Beautiful seascape. All the colors work beautifully together between the sky and the shoreline! Amazing
Lzicchinella thank you!
Bravo...this is beautiful, i suspect the photo does not do it justice?.you seem to have a lot of light refraction
I was waiting for you to post this one! This is really beautiful work. To be honest, I was stunned when I was scrolling down and first saw it. It is incredibly striking. I can see you put a lot of effort into this one and it definitely shows!
tel, thanks for pointing it out. I used to upload it from my phone and I saw some glare but did not see it was soooo bad. My apologies about bad quality of the picture.
Here is the link and if you scroll to 1:55 you'll see the original from the master artist.
If you get interesting to follow along with this guy I'll share more details. You certainly can do it. This is not that extreme difficulty in fact I got some new feeling about the paint and I did not get mad at him even a single moment.
@lightsnow: glad you like it. You can do it after that special you have in your imagination already.
In fact layers of paint are quite thin here and it was not difficult to manage them. In fact I even regret that i split it in two parts because wet on dry is a bit annoying.
I am sure you can do it as beautiful as master artist. You have enough experience to handle paints in this new way.
The most difficult thing was clouds if you believe me :)
This is stunning! I like the gold and pink shades in the water and sky.
@ForestVueGallery. Thanks a lot for you kind words. I really advice to watch link above and see how it is done by master. This is so much different. But so much rewarding.
Link wont open....
@tel. Very sad. I guess country restrictions.
@tel. Very sad. I guess country restrictions.
I checked out the link and spent a good deal of time looking at several of his videos. How I wish I understood the language! I may attempt it with just the visual. I like how he grids out the larger areas then blocks in. I’ve looked at the pallet colors and have a good idea on most, but could you list them? What is Pinene and where do you find it? I know a derivative of pine from my research.
I really do like this master’s work. Thank you for sharing this.
Let me list colors he has from left to right.
Titanium white
Cad yellow
Cad orange
Alizarin crimson
Phtalo blue
Phtalo green
Indigo (Prussian blue plus black color)
Burnt umber
Special brown red. With pigment PR101. Winsor newton Burnt sienna works well as it is made of this pigment.
Liquid he uses is triple solvent: dammar varnish, linseed oil and pinen. Equal quantities. Let me find pinen on amazon and share couple of links more.
Consistency of the paint every time he dips brush into the liquid is like drinking yogurt.
Brush for application is synthetic. Blending brush - natural bristles. 1 inch Bob for blending will work perfect.
Pinen is turpentine. However you need to find one that is made based on actual natural tree resin But NOT oil distillate. I mean oil produced from the well in the ground.
Dammar varnish will get milky if you add oil distillate=white spirit.
Here is link to alternative medium that uses different oil. But same principle to make it
I was trying to find that medium in ready to buy formulation but I could not... it shall be easy to make yourself.
To take a look at instruments there is another video here. They had technical problems and this had to restart streaming.
If you need further help or something is unclear just let me know and reference to the time in video. If you have friends who speak Russian they can help you with translation and will be in the same time zone with you hopefully to give immediate help as you paint.
Thank you for all of this wonderful information and additional video link. Do you use cold pressed or refined linseed oil? I’ve located the Pinen turpentine at Amazon.
When I read the reviews I was stunned to learn that it is used as a medicinal. Who would have imagined!?
I have all the colors including the PR101. Gamblin Indian Red.
I have no acquaintances that speak Russian so I’ll see how it goes after I receive the mediums. I’m still shopping the Dammar hoping to pick the right one.
This is a fantastic Painting,The sky is amazing, the colors you used are very beautiful,well done!
@ForestVuegallery. So happy to hear that you one step before starting! I am glad to help just let me know when and what to translate.
Dammar varnish is in fact damar resin dissolved in turpentine. It should work if you got one from hobby store.
At Jacksons Art website they had wonderful article about different media unfortunately I can't find it. When my mom told me that her parents used turpentine as medicine I was shocked coz I am sure this is full of hazardous chemicals. Thus one advice, please make sure you have window opened when you prepare this triple solvent and have to work with turpentine.
One more advice if you dont mind. I just finished one more same painting and I am taking my words back that I was thinking it would work best wet on wet in one go. It did NOT work that way. :) if you plan two sittings- fill all the darks, do main structures and let it dry and paint yellow, orange and white on the water after. This way it is more control when compare to one sitting.
Regarding linseed oil. I use one that dries for one week. Label says it is supposed to yellow less. I got it in the art store. I think whatever you find there will work. Just do not buy one from grocery stores. They are not clean enough and have something that will be interfering with painting process.
@Patoex. Thank you very much for your kindness. I really just followed video with many many pauses. I quite enjoyed the process and result is very nice.
You nailed this one. The colors are beautiful and the wave is amazingly realistic
@Buschleague: thank you very much! I like this one quite a lot. I did a copy on 16 by 20 inches and that format is not that good for this scene.
Gorgeous sea scape!Your shoreline is excellent.
Thank you @Pietro1963.
Wow! I can only agree with everyone else - this really is outstanding. It has real movement and a softness that is very pleasing and restful.
Thanks Barbara, I loved this so much that I did two of them. I even think to do number 3.
thats nice the sun peaking through..cheers P
Absolutely stunning!
@EvLip - Thanks!
@Pietro - thank you! This is my favorite seascape so far I want to paint it again.
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paintings with the world! Sunnylady this is absolutely wonderful. I love the colours in this. Your reflections in the water is amazing. Excellent painting.