Quote in name is from Alice in Wonderland, I think it fits perfectly the picture.
I was so inspired to try myself in new area through the wonderful Events submission.
I did this on A5 in around 2 hours.
Drawing with pencils: 6B, 4B, 2B. A lot of smoothing with paper towel.
Hands were a challenge. But I think it is not very bad for the third time in life I did hands, plus it is super small size to get to the details.
VERY impressive dear friend!
I knew you could draw well and that one of your specialities is light/shadow works. Here, you proved again that you learned a lot from courses as well as from experiences and endeavouring yourself. Bravo!
The hands are good, it adds a macabre effect that they are so tender, almost towards skeleton-like bones.
The spider looks great but the eye balls scare the living daylights out of me! BRRRRR!!
Voy, do you think that spider catches attention first? Then eye starts travelling around to look at the rest? What is focal point you think?
Thanks for your support and cheers. I am glad that it has spooky effect! I think Halloween must be scary, I was planning to be zombie last year, but I did not happen to celebrate, the same as this year, there will be no party this year :(
Dear Sunnylady.
The spider took secondary attention where my eyes were drawn to the hands at first. Next thing I was curieus where the hands were placed in and then my right eye (which is my good eye! (I am nearsighted a little)) caught the spider.
Somewhere I was happy the eyeballs were not the first!!! :):):)
Thank you, thank you Voy! Appreciate your help. That was original intention, but i missed with value on the spider and it became darkest and quite contrasting to the background, so I was thinking it pulls the attention from the " macabre bouquet" .
Very creative indeed.Wife n I are big halloween fans.I love this.Pencil was my first tool in the artistic expression.Well done.Cheers,P
Thank you @Pietro1963! What will be the costumes this year?
I came to pencil after I painted with acrylics for a while as I felt stuck and pencil became somewhat of trouble shooter for acrylics. I still struggle with value chart in painting, but I think I am improving step by step.
This is so creative. Job well done!
Nice blending and shading, and that spider! They terrify me and you have created a very real image. I don’t even want to know what is going on in that vase!
@Katypaints: thank you!
@ForestVueGallery: let your brain decide what is inside that vase. ;)
Thanks a lot for great feedback!
I really like this. It's unsettling in a way. Fantastic work!
@lightsnow- thank you! I am glad you liked it! I bet this vase adds quite a flavor.
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Thank you Tom. I recently had a course on composition in the painting and the most challenging topic was Gestalt in Art , I still did not break through it, I feel stuck, so I do investigate the behaviors that our brain interprets and try to look at every painting from that course perspective. That opens new dimension in looking at art. Way more than just colors and textures. The dual/ambiguous pictures is one of the topics in Gestalt and this is what I was thinking for a year or so already and I am still puzzled how the artists create them.
I see you also know a lot about center of the interest in the paintings or investigating this topic now with your watercolors. Meaning you really think about composition.
I feel thoughts about composition give creativity boost into the painting as it cuts out all unimportant things that pollute the main idea authors tries to tell. Halloween is an awesome topic to create weird things of art and investigate things.
Alfred Kubin - yes, you mentioned him few times and I was really impressed by his works I found on internet. They bring deep thoughts to the surface in attempt to interpret what he was saying in his art. They bring fears and make us to face them and deal with them.
Everything we see, especially works of art they sink in our minds and get processed through our perceptions, so there it comes - unexpected creative process.