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Original Creation

Seascape with a Lighthouse - Bob Ross - NEVER SEEN ON TV

Ninoum 04 Feb 2023

I was looking thru the videos I ordered few months back and saw 10 DVDs on Bob Ross “Never seen on TV” tutorials. I got really excited and chose this one (see original BR painting above).

I went with a different sky. I used the one from “By-The-Sea”. I just wasn’t a fan of the full lavender sky. This painting took me forever to do. The lighthouse was never looking right. I got it to where I wanted eventually. The small waves took me a minute too. But I like the outcome.



Bonjour , Nancy . Very cool Scene and always in top quality . Great !! The Book arrived yesterday and i paint my First Bill Alexander painting (i wrote about the sky), a cool day . 👊🏼😎

Beautiful work Nancy! Love the lighthouse and your birds are great!

Great painting Nancy. I love the lighthouse and all the grass in the foreground!

Guten Morgen Dirk! Thank you very much! I am super excited to see both, your 1st Bill Alexander and Indian Summer. I haven't checked much TIB yesterday. This painting took me the whole day with my many little struggles. I'll check your Bill right after I respond to everyone here.

Thank you so much Brian! I thought the lighthouse was gonna be a walk in the park but little did I know, I was up for a bigger challenge. I thought at las minute to add the birds. By the ocean, birds are a must!

Thank you Tom! The grass was a lot of fun to make.

Sorry Nancy , have not realized the Original underneath , i think yours really better much more powerful Colours and better Contrast. Great

No need to be sorry my friend! Glad you like my version! 😃

So now got more time to comment your painting. It is great. Your work on buildings really improved and the time invested really pays. The liner brush work is great and I like that you say: I didn’t like something (the sky) from the tutorial, so I change it.
Maybe one hint I would like to give you: the background trees behind the lighthouse could be lighter to create more depth. But overall a super painting.
I think you are ready to do more complex pictures.

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters


Wow! Just beautiful Nancy. I love your painting style.

great grass and trees! I forgot to put the fences in mine!

Tom, thank you for pointing it out! I used a different color than Bobs and I totally forgot about the lighter BG. I’ll try to get some light color mist on it to lighten it up. It won’t be perfect but better!

Pietro, Grazie mille per i gentili commenti. significa sempre così tanto detto da te! ☺️

Awwww! Tony! Thank you so much! 😊

Thx Jessie! You can always go back and add it! 😉


Thanks Coldethel!

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