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Original Creation

Midnight Breaker • Bob Ross/Nic Hankins • S32E6

Ninoum 04 Mar 2024

I really like this seascape. Sooo many great elements and slightly different than Bob’s traditional ocean scenes.

I have included Bob’s original to this post.

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So very well done N! I love it!✌️😎

Good evening my super friend, that's really wonderful. I like the dark atmosphere👍🏼🇩🇪

Amazing work, looks great.

Just gorgeous Nancy! Love seascapes!


Great wave colours. Nice

Very beautiful Nancy. Love the eye of your wave.

Superb job, congrats! Thanks for posting Bob's version for comparison.

Thank you all! 😊 I always appreciate so much you taking the time to support my compos. It means a lot. 🫶🏼

Jon, you are very welcome. I think it's important to see the original (Bob's) to appreciate even more this scene.

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