This is the 2nd paintings of my “Floridian Lifestyle” collection. It’s time to harvest those plump and vitamin C loaded oranges! Maybe we should wait till dawn to starting the awaiting task.
Canvas size 16x20”
Brilliant. A great painting, Nancy. The house is so perfect👍🏼🇩🇪🔪
Great job, I love everything about it. The cabin is really awesome and the color of it is superb! Great puddles as well.
Unfortunately I cannot paint since some time as I have an issue with the thumb of my right hand - I am right handed - which prevents me from painting :( I hope that maybe in a month or so I can paint again. Fingers crossed.
Such fabulous work!
Wow - I can almost smell the oranges! Beautiful!!!
Looking great, Nancy. 👍🏼
The colours, the lighting, all fits very well together.
And that shed looks awesome with its weathered blueish paint.
Really love the orange twist here!
Absolutely love
Thank you so much B! 😊 It means a lot!
Thank you my super friend! 🥰 🇩🇪
Thank yo so so much Tom! 😀 I am really sorry to hear about your thumb! It would kill me if I could paint. I wish you a speedy recovery! Can’t wait to see your next painting!
Many thanks Sandy! 🤗
Thank you bunchy Tanya my CRI Sister! ☀️
Thank you very much Titia! I always wanted to paint a weathered turquoise-ish building. This was the righ compo to add it onto. Glad you like! 😃
Thank you Sunnylady! Glad you enjoy my orange grove! 😊
Thank you bunches Stephie! 🤗🤗
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Fantastic! The moonlight and shadows are perfection! Love the moon in the puddle too. The color of the shack in the shadows seems perfect too N! I can’t wait for the next one. ✌️