This one was a delight to paint. It was my 1st experience using black gesso.
I love your path. The perspective is perfect.
Thank you Alexandria! 😊
I love how this turned out this is on my mom's to do list. She's getting tired of fall lol I always let my momma pick fit Saturday paint days with her I love your bark and your path perspective. The layers of trees and bushes really give it depth great job!!
Thank you Waywarddestiny! 😊 Very refreshing and soul cleansing to paint.
Beautiful job!
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Thx Tom! That's the part I struggled the most with. I re did the bark 3 times before walking away. When I came back, this is the version I saw and was happy with it. I learnt that day that taking a quick break and looking at your painting from a distance helps a lot to see things with a different eye.