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Original Creation

Владимир Котлинский

MilanC 06 Aug 2024

Vladimir Kotlinsky (1894 – 1915) was a Russian Second Lieutenant and war hero during World War I. He was the main commander during the Attack of the Dead Men as he led the counterattack of 60 to 100 men from the 226th Zemlyansky Infantry Regiment before being mortally wounded during the battle.

The Attack of the Dead Men, or the Battle of Osowiec Fortress, was a battle of World War I that took place at Osowiec Fortress on August 6, 1915. The incident got its name from the bloodied, corpse-like appearance of the Russian combatants after they were bombarded with a mixture of poison gases, chlorine and bromine by the Germans. While coughing up blood, the Russians covered their faces with cloths and managed to rout German forces.

Pastels Pencils


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