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Original Creation

Валентина Терешкова

MilanC 13 Jul 2024

Valentina Tereshkova (1937) is a pioneering Russian cosmonaut who became the first woman to fly in space. She was selected for the Soviet space program and piloted the Vostok 6 spacecraft in June 1963, orbiting the Earth 48 times over nearly three days. Tereshkova's achievement marked a significant milestone in space exploration and women's rights, showcasing her bravery and contributions to advancing human spaceflight.

After finishing the portrait of Saint Sava, my Russian professor also gave me a job to paint any Russian woman for the International Women's Day (March 8th). She requested some ideas like Marina Tsvetaeva and Catherine the Great, but at the end, she liked my idea more. At the end art was so great that it was displayed in the hallway of the school, beside some other posters I also have painted.

Pastels Pencils


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