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Original Creation

Simo Häyhä

MilanC 16 Jul 2024

Simo Häyhä (1905 - 2002), known as "White Death", was a Finnish sniper renowned for his exceptional marksmanship during the Winter War (1939-1940) between Finland and the Soviet Union. Häyhä achieved legendary status for his stealth, endurance, and skill in combat, credited with over 500 confirmed kills, making him one of the deadliest snipers in history.

He operated in extreme winter conditions, often camouflaged in snow, and employed a Mosin-Nagant rifle with iron sights to deadly effect against Soviet forces. Häyhä's exploits and survival tactics earned him widespread respect and fear among Soviet troops, and his legacy continues to resonate in military history.

Pastels Pencils


Great to see and understand that era of European history, especially when it is not shown in current history books. What is that old saying? "He who writes the history books creates the history"?

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