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Original Creation

Senor Prigile

MilanC 14 Aug 2024

Italian partisans were members of the resistance movement in Italy during World War II. Comprising a diverse mix of communists, socialists, liberals, and other anti-Fascist groups, they engaged in guerrilla warfare, sabotage, and intelligence operations against both German occupiers and Italian Fascist forces. Their efforts were crucial in undermining Axis control and played a significant role in the eventual Allied victory in Italy.

The Italian resistance movement during World War II was a diverse and multifaceted effort by various groups opposing Fascist rule and Nazi occupation. Emerging in response to Benito Mussolini’s authoritarian regime and the German occupation after Italy's 1943 armistice with the Allies, the resistance comprised communists, socialists, liberals, and others.

Pastels Pencils



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