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Original Creation

Judita Šalgo

MilanC 14 Jul 2024

Judita Šalgo (1941 - 1996) was a very important figure in the evolution of Yugoslav feminism, as well as in the development of experimental prose and poetry in the cultural capital of Serbia's northern province, the Vojvodina.

She spoke and worked in Hungarian as well as Serbo-Croatian, and like her husband, identified primarily as a Yugoslav, although her heritage also contained Hungarian, Serbian, and Jewish elements. Towards the end of her life she was active in movements for peace and national reconciliation inwar-torn Yugoslavia.

This was also one of the posters I got to paint, but this time from my literature professor. She also requested a few others, which I didn't really had time to paint, but at the end, I was able to paint at least one of them. It was also displayed in the school hallway, right next to Valentina Tereshkova.

Pastels Pencils


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