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Original Creation

Filbert brush mountain

Lc 10 Jan 2024

So I saw a tutorial from Paul Ranson about painting a mountain with only a filbert brush and I wanted to give it a try, this mountain is done solely with a filbert. So what I learn was I think I like shaping the mountain with a filbert and using it for the shadows. I like the highlight snow effect better with the palette knife. I scraped this painting because I was not happy with it but it was a good learning experience. Just thought I would share.



I agree LC. I use a small flat brush to shape the mountains.

I’ve taken to only painting mountains with brushes, you have so much more control.
A few additional tips I’d wish I had known earlier.
1. Use a reference
2. Don’t limit yourself to the filbert, use little round brushes, flat brushes, etc.
3. Control the paint by scrubbing in the darkest color first and then removing excess with a shop towel or rag.
4. Kevin hill makes amazing mountains with these techniques, look up his site and he has some good mountain tutorials.

Lazerwolf Thank you for the tips!

Good job.

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