My very first 18x24. I purchased a better grade canvas for this project, and I can certainly tell a difference!!! Wow!!! My first waterfall, first time doing rocks, first “up tree”…..a lot of firsts here. A lot of experience in this painting. Everything went smoothly and I was truly excited with every brush stroke.
Thank you for taking the time to look.
This is a wonderful painting! You created good depth. You can tell that you were really in a groove! Just one critique would be that the purple highlight on the rocks in the center distracts from your beautiful creation. I would suggest just keeping those parts a dark color brown(s). Nice job!
Very nice work here!
Thank you everyone!
Very nice!
You did an absolutely phenomenal job distinguishing the background from the foreground. Every element is nicely defined like this place is real. This would be a painting to jump into if it were possible. Keep them coming!!
Well done. Great painting.
You achieved really good depth here. Very Nice!
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Really nice painting! Trees and water look great!