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Original Creation

Untitled 6

Jeffth 31 Aug 2022

I consider this my first moderately successful attempt at making one up as I go, and was my 6th experience with painting. Mountains have remained a challenging element for me, but this was good practice. I am uploading my work in chronological order, so it will be a little while before I get to the work that I’d really like constructive criticism on (since my older work no longer fully represents my strengths and weaknesses). I hope by doing this, it will show how I’ve progressed. I’m so grateful to have found a community where I can share and see what others are creating! Thanks for being here.



Don’t worry because mountains are a challenging task. There are articles on the website from community members how to work it out. This is a fantastic community in terms of knowledge sharing.

Thanks for the encouragement, I’ll definitely have to check out the articles!

You achieved good depth here. I like how you paint as you go and see what develops. Bob spoke often on that (composing as you go). There has long been some debate among artists. Some school of thought is you must plan out your composition in advance. And some go to great lengths to do so. Their work is beautiful albeit sometimes there is stress involved with matching the composition. Others paint and compose as they go. My own opinion is that the number one rule in art aside from basic ideas for putting paint on the canvas, creating depth, etc, is that you learn and have fun. Growth like everything else comes but if you are having joy as you paint using any ideas be it composition or composing as you go are winners in my book. :)

Thank you for the comment Hap! I am excited to keep uploading my more recent work to see what people think but I've been procrastinating finding the photos and uploading. This piece is almost a year old now, as I started painting in October 2021. My most recent project is actually to try designing and planning a painting BEFORE starting. It will be my first time attempting this. Looking forward to sharing with everyone! :D

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