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Original Creation

Mountain Practice

Jeffth 23 Jan 2025

I still struggle with mountains and I tend to avoid doing paintings that include them. I recently started trying to sell my work, and I know mountain paintings sell well, so I thought I'd better practice!

To prepare for my practice, I spread some titanium white on a piece of cardboard and let it sit for an hour or so to soak some of the oil out of it. Once I had the dark shape of the mountain put in, I thought I was good to go, but not quite. It wasn't until I blotted the dark base shape with shop towel that it really started to work well.
I still don't get how Bob got it to work on camera without those extra steps! A mystery for the ages haha.
Thanks for taking a look :)



They look good! I found that barely touching the canvas and letting it sort of glue itself to the knife as a very gently pull it down has helped a lot!

At first glance, the mountains look good. Overall a very nice painting. Maybe you'll take a look at Bill, he has a slightly different approach to the mountains👍🏼🇩🇪

Hey Jeff...looks great, that's looks a big canvas

Thanks all! Dirk, I'll have to give Bill a try in the near future. Tel, it is 10x20 inches, which was too short for my easel hence the duct tape haha 😅

In response to your comment Bob, I've had the 'almost no pressure' concept drilled down, but here are my typical issues in the past: 1. The roll of paint gets plucked off the knife as-is, and the little roll is now sitting at the top of the mountain, or 2. The little roll of paint does skim nicely, but the base mountain is too oily and the white won't grip and break as it grazes the mountain.

I'm hoping that sharing my experience will help others, and encourage others to share their experience as well ☺️

Jeff: The mountains look great here! I agree with all of the above comments. Pressing in and scraping off as much of that darker undercoat as possible has helped me. Also, using as little liquid white (or clear) as possible prior to starting the mountain.

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters

Beautiful mts. J..Lovely soothing painting!Cheers,P

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