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Original Creation

Bill Alexander-inspired Rocky Shore

Jbay2020 22 Jul 2020

This was my first attempt at a Bill Alexander painting versus a Bob Ross. This was my 7th painting overall since beginning the hobby a couple months ago. I found Bill's paintings to be more difficult, largely because he does not explain in detail his color combos and his moves like Bob does, especially on the harder stuff like the rocks and foreground. I think it's close to Bill's version, but different. Overall I enjoy many of Bill's Paintings, but they take so long. This "30 minute" painting took 4 or 5 hours.



lightsnow Community Helper

I tried one Bill Alexander painting myself and indeed found it much more difficult. I find Bill has a more old school European style of oil painting, even doing wet on wet. Your painting came out really nicely, though, particularly considering this is your 7th attempt. Congrats on that! Also, good on you for having the courage to try one of his paintings!

Thanks to the nice words. I agree that Bill's paintings have a much more classical look too them. In many ways I prefer them to Bob's. Maybe when I have another couple dozen or so paintings under my belt, I'll give one of Bill's still-life's a try. Those seem extremely difficult and leave no room for error. I think his use of light is better than Bob's but they are kind of two different styles when looking at many of Bob 's later work.

I did Bill' s "Sunset IV" over the weekend. i
It was pretty difficult as well, but it's a beautiful, unique work.

My biggest problem still is foreground shrubs and grass. I can't seem to get the depth I want on those. Buying the right brush helped a lot, but it is very hard to get consistently good at for now.

@JBay2020: this is beautiful painting you got! I am looking forward to see your Sunset IV. It will make 3 of us who posted it here. I totally agree with you about light in Bill's paintings ,this is what I find very attractive in his works.
I also would say that Bill color mixing is a bit more complex. I decided to try his painting only after 50 paintings, So I will tell you - you are very brave to fire it in on 7th!

In the beginning Bob's paintings were taking from 3 to 6 hours. Now they still take 3 hours. :) But that's absolutely fine as now I do not follow step by step and try to mix more difficult colors for wet on wet.

It still takes me a while to do a standard Bob painting, but I also painted and original not long ago and start to finish it was 90 minutes. I couldn't believe how fast it went. It also gave me a lot of confidence, knowing that I could make something all on my own.

Thank you all for sharing your paintings. There arr some I've seen that are pretty spectacular.

This is beautiful. Nice job!

Nice work! Beautiful soft waves.

Very nice. Good job

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