I tried something that I am not comfortable with. I just don't seem to get the petal strokes right. What are the proper brushes for floral? Im using the same brushes i got for my Bob Ross painting.I'm going to try to find a floral for dummies video.
Thank u Sunny lady. This is something I am trying but don't know if it is for me.
Funny we did these at the same JD. Is this based on Lowell Spears Blue Floral? Watch out for what he doesn't say, he seems to release pressure on the downward stroke towards the centre of the flower. He says to start at one side of the petal working your way towards the centre without reloading your brush, to create that blended appearance he produces, then do the same again working from the other side. Except when I do it I run out of paint and have to re-load. Your painting has plenty of leaves and looks well balanced to me. Daisies are fun aren't they.
@JD - totally hear you! I attempted few flowers to understand this is not my cup of tea.
@JD - the landscape painter mentioned that she thins paint to alter thickness. Just mix you desired color on the pallet add 1-2 drops of thinner and the same of linseed oil. It will make paint less thick and more manageable for flowers. You can also try to get 1-2 flat synthetic brushes just search for not super soft and not stiff ones. Size 1/2 inch and lesser size. It will not require a lot of investment but will allow to investigate better about flowers.
Linseed is needed to give paints flow. Thinner only does not do it so well. Of course depending on quantity of paint you mix amount of oil/thinner will vary.
Thelandscapepainter...Thank u so much for ur comments. Yes I think the hardest part of floral is building all that paint while maintaining all that detail. Daisies are super fun. I guess it will take a lot of practice and patience to develop.
Sunnylady thank u for all the help. I guess the right consistency of paint its very important in floral paintings. Also thanks for pointing out the brushes. I think I am using a way too big of a brush as well. Patience is a virtue not given but earned. I guess I will be earning a lot of this patience. Thanks for all ur help
No problems at all!
I want to learn painting the flowers too... just doing very slow steps...
All the best in your journey!
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I think for florals brushes are flat and soft, size is 1/2 inch probably. Check Mazart youtube channel. She has couple of free lessons step-by-step. Also on Alexander art youtube channel search for Lowell Speers , he is awesome.
Another note floral paints are softer and creamier in texture.