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Original Creation

Still life Violets, book and window

Happyisland 18 Feb 2023

This is a still life painted for my mother. 18 by 24 inch canvas features vase of violets with a book on a short table by the window. Done for her 80th birthday. My mother has been a great woman of faith and a terrific mother so us siblings wanted to do something special for her. I decided to paint this. Window and book is inspired by Robert Warren.



Great moody colors!

Lovely, so realistic

This is beautiful. I love the colors and detail.

The vase and curtain look absolutely amazing. Very old-master feel from those items.

Thank you everyone :) very much appreciated

Great work here, the curtain is awesome, the lightning reminds on a 'old masters' painting.

Thank you Thomas :)

Love the story and the painting

Thank you Michel :)

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