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Original Creation

Misty Woodlands

Hammipaints 14 Feb 2023

I really got a thing for wide-format paintings at the moment. For this one I intended to go for a light effect like in "shadow pond". Instead it turned out with a cold and misty feel and Inhave to say.. I like it even more! I really love those misty days in the forest where you hear the birds chirp, the waterfalls chime and the wind blowing through the leaves.

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Nice job Hammi, there's nothing compares to getting back to nature right?

Thanks Terry! Absolutely. Can't wait for spring so I can go hiking in the mountains again

Love that very misty background Marc! Everything in this painting is just so well done. Beautiful foreground trees. Did you use the knife technique to make their highlights?

Thanks a lot Nancy! Indeed I did use the technique we talked about in the comments of one of your recent paintings. Not as clean as you managed but certainly a nice look for those trees i think!

Beautiful execution!

If you don’t mind I would suggest to look carefully for patterns as they kill natural look. So your fog is very thick and the evergreens on top of the waterfall all spread with equal distance, giving equal white triangles of the fog. While it may happen in nature - in paintings I would recommend to avoid planting trees at equal distance or have much more variation in heights and shapes.

I think you may add middle value ( between front trees and fog, maybe even closer to the fog) and add one more layer behind your trees. This will reinforce the feel of foggy forest.

Hammi, I made a visual in the articles. You can follow this link and let me know when you read. I will delete the article after your notification.

Thanks sunny and Thanks for the extensive feedback!
I totally didn't notice how those trees came out having that equal distance! I absolutely know what you mean about the middle value. I don't relly like adding stuff to smy paintings after their dry (too mich fear of screwing up lol) but I'll definitely will keep that in mind for my next painting with that theme. So thanks again! I screenshotted your article if thats alright

Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

Super job!

@Hammi - no problems to keep that screenshot. If you ever need any help - just ask. If I know how I will help.

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