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Original Creation

What do you see?

Felix 29 Dec 2024

I'd be interested in what you think this painting/drawing is about. What do you think is the subject and the story? Who are the people, what's their relationship? What happens in the drawing?

Graphite pencils in A4 format



I think it is a mother and daughter. I think they are doing some type of craft together.

Felix Creator of

Thank you!

So? Was I right?

I imagine it's a mother and daughter sitting for a holiday meal. A simple meal some bread and cheese, olives, butter, maybe some wine. I imagine they are feeling lonely, maybe the mother is missing her late husband and the daughter is missing her dad. But at least they have each other.

Two people who are mixing dough to make a traditional cookie/biscuit passed down from many years, celebrating their people’s culture

After looking again, it could be any of these things. Really interesting.

LadyGalaga Shadowlink11

I see a strained relationship between a man and a woman. The woman is on the right, leaning away from the man, trying to escape the drawing and the relationship. Even her eyes are looking away from him and towards the outside of the art.

Felix Creator of

Thank you all so much!

That is the fun of creating art, it can mean so many different things for different people.

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