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Original Creation

Rolling Hills (S13 E1)

Docluv2run 09 Jun 2023

Loving the colors but still have some difficulty getting distinct bushes and tree leaves. The bushes end up looking like color blobs and blushes. Smaller canvas 11x14 I find more difficult, have to be more "exact"



Gorgeous spring atmosphere Doc. Nice job.

Good job, nice

Very nice and soothing to look at D!

I don't see an issue with your bushes here. But here is what I learned... make sure the background of your bushes &/or foliage is very very dark (close to black). I had the same issue in the past. I thought my bg color was dark enough to realize it wasn't and had the most difficult time making everything pop. 😉

Thanks everyone and for the hint Nancy!

Really nice, I especially like that sky.

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