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Original Creation

Cool Mountain Stream

Docluv2run 12 Nov 2022

Still having some difficulty getting detail in the bushes and leaves and defining them. The center seems "impressionistic" and more of a glob of colors than distinct bushes. My trees on the borders are getting a little better with the branches and leaves. Continuing to learn and enjoy my first year with the oils. The wall in my garage is my gallery.....not confident enough hanging these creations anywhere in the house yet. LOL But they make me happy!



Welcome to your new hobby - addictive isn’t it! I struggled so much with bushes too and got some great suggestions from other TIB members. The half round and oval brushes made a world of difference for me. I also went on YouTube and watched Paint with Bram, Painting bushes Bob Ross style and also did Diane Andre’s Forest Road tutorial (also on YT). Diane was one of the founder’s, Bill Alexander’s instructors. Maybe check them out, see how they load the brush, and see if that helps. Your paintings are lovely so keep perfecting. Good luck.

Thanks Emchop!!!

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