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Original Creation

At Dawn’s Light (sort of)

Coldethel 27 Apr 2023

First time trying an 18 x24 canvas. Started out to do “At Dawn’s Light but flubbed it up (as usual), so I changed it. First time using a 2 inch brush. Think I may stick to smaller canvases.



I like it a lot! So colorful and pretty!

It's so nice. I have problems with the 2 inch brush also. Generally I stick to 16x20.

Someone gave me these extra larges canvases so I will use what I have but normally I just have 8x10. Big difference, lol. Thanks for the compliments. I am not real happy with it, but I like parts of it.

I like the Colors ,cold👍🏼iI've never used a two-inch brush

Wow - an eye popper Cold

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