Bob giving inspiration. Please rate 1-10 and give honest feedback
Looks very good overall.
Well done!
Very nice
It is a lovely scene and nice distance! it feels like it is flooded area but mood is quite gentle/romantic/ quite. Lovely color blends in the water and in the sky. lovely distant shore line and stones peaking out of the water on the left side. Stones positioning in the water is very successful overall. While the clouds create an awesome movement with the angle you posted, i think your perspective in the clouds would be better if you created the angle at opposite direction by placing vanishing point at the distant greenish forest. Also it seems that clouds are a bit too dark and argue with the gentleness of the water and mood overall.
It is a wonderful painting though! It seems like you painted quite a bit before finding this community and posting your paintings here.
Sunlady, thanks so much again for your honest opinion. I discovered Bob Ross late 2020, and try to paint once at least every few months. I have used twoinchbrush to find my next inspiration and how to learn particular techniques (finding the appropriate video). But finally gave in and made an account recently.
This painting I completed a few days ago.
Awesome that you finally joined! This site is very motivational and people are very kind and helpful. Just ask your questions and someone will help. Everyone struggled their way through techniques and one or another advice will work for you. Just keep going and do not be afraid to erase the whole thing and start over as this is liberating for your artistic heart rather than mingling and stressing out with a problematic painting. ( I wish I learnt it Sooner rather than a couple of years after painting).
Welcome to the community!
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Overall I really like this. The colors work well together. Execution on both tree types is great. Would like to see a softer sky