@Colin Hudson#827 Hi Colin! Thanks for asking. He's recovering well. Running into some challenges with meds because he has the flat face so I can't just shove the meds down his throat (I have bloody fingers to prove THAT didn't work), and he has outsmarted the pill pockets and stirring it in with his food. Fun times!!
Lilikins Yeah, I keep telling him chicks dig scars, lol. Good thing dogs don't really care about that. Should be an interesting conversation piece in dog parks in the future. The doc said at least two weeks for the cone, but because of the way he is shaped, he can't reach his leg to lick it anyway, so I will probably take it off in a few days. It does kind of act as a natural sedative though, which is nice since he can't run, jump, or climb stairs for two months.
Thanks all for checking in on us! It means a lot.