As many of you may have ascertained by my screen name, I am a dog mom. I've got three (two litter mates aged 11years, and my pup who is 1.5 years). My pup, has an issue with his leg that is going to require surgery. It is coming up in a few days. Basically the issue is that his knee dislocates so they are going to have to go in an reattach ligaments, and do a few other things. Anyway, his upcoming surgery has been weighing heavily on my mind, so I wanted to ask for this wonderful community I am a part of to keep us in your mind and send us some healing thoughts. After the surgery I am basically going to have to keep him completely immobile for six weeks, which is going to be a huge challenge since he loves to play with his big brother and sister. Then, there will be physical therapy. I don't have Facebook, or Instagram, or any of those other popular social sites, so I am reaching out here. Thank you all, for your kind thoughts.