Hugs! When is the procedure? Tomorrow? Please keep us posted and let us know how your pup is doing.
How are you planning on keeping him immobile? I knew of someone that had to contain her savannah for several weeks due to a leg injury and she found a crate/kennel that could be sectioned off small for the first weeks and then expand when he got stronger and also so she could sit in there with him occasionally. It was a big crate that just had ways to section it - I will have to see if I can find it. Are they giving gabapentin or tramadol for the pain? You don’t have to answer any questions if you don’t want but sometimes it helps to talk things out 🙂
It will be hard but you’re buddy will understand that what you are doing to immobilize him is for his own good and not for a punishment. Just be sure to reinforce that he’s a good boy with lots of snuggles and love. It’s amazing what they can pick up and understand.