Lilikins Very odd, now it's back. Since I noticed about three days, it's said [deleted] where my username should be. Chalk it up to gremlins in the server.
No, never, not once. My brother almost had his wedding there last year, and I was very excited to see the Met, but they ended up eloping. Google Maps claims it's 188 miles/303 kilometres, or 4 hours 22 minutes. We've been to just about every other large city in the Northeast and a few in Canada, just New York City eludes us.
We had a trip booked for March to Glasgow and Edinburgh, but then coronus hit, the border closed (we were flying out of Pearson in Toronto), and missus came down with cancer, so she really didn't need to be exposed. We'll try again in a year. We are going to Korea for three months in January for one of her experiments. I've really enjoyed the dining there and throughout East Asia. If you don't care for the local cuisine, all of the major world cuisines are at most a short trip by rail away. Some of the best Indian I've had was in Taiwan.
EDIT: In re-reading this, it occurs to me that I may have given, in the light of the cancer, the impression my wife will be experimented upon, when indeed she will be the experimenter, being a scientist. The cancer, thanks be unto God, is no more.